Research Project


According to the PPGEE Internal Regulations:

Art. 16 - After enrollment, regular students must, within a period of up to 3 months, have been assigned to a definitive advisor, designated by the CPG.

1st - The Master's student, in common agreement with the advisor, should submit the study program and the preliminary Dissertation theme to the CPG, following the script provided by the PPGEE, within up to 6 months after enrollment. The Dissertation must be presented in compliance with the deadlines defined in Art. 19. Failure to comply with this requirement must be duly justified to the CPG within a period of up to 7 (seven) days, under penalty of termination from the Program.

Procedure for submitting the STUDY PROGRAM (or Research Project) and the PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION THEME:

Please send an e-mail to the PPGEE Shared Administration ( with the following subject: "STUDY PROGRAM and PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION THEME".

The body of the email must contain the following information:

a. Research Project Title

b. Research Project Abstract

In the same e-mail, please attach the STUDY PROGRAM, which must be signed by the student and the advisor, for appreciation of the CPG of the PPGEE.

A template for this Study Program can be obtained here.

According to the Internal Regulations, the maximum deadline for sending this document is up to 6 months after the enrollment date.