Special Student

Special Student (1st Semester of 2023)

  • Registration from 06/02/2023 a 10/02/2023
  • Disclosure of accepted and rejected registrations: 03/03/2023

Definition of Special Student in PPGEE Courses

PPGEE will be able to accept enrollment in certain courses of a person who holds an undergraduate diploma and not regularly enrolled in the Program, aiming at their professional improvement. This status is called “Special Student” according to the PPGEE. Those who enroll in courses as a Special Student will be subject to meeting the requirements defined by the respective responsible faculty members.

At the discretion of the CPG, and on an exceptional basis, undergraduate students, who have completed 80% (eighty percent) of the course credits, can enroll as a Special Student, in a course offered by the Program.

The student eventually accepted in a PPGEE course, is not a candidate for the master´s degree of this Postgraduate Program. He/She is only a student of the course offered by PPGEE, having the right to being issued with a declaration at the end of the course.

Important: according to the PPGEE Internal Regulations, at the discretion of the CPG, all courses taken at the PPGEE, as a special student, may be recognized provided that they have taken a maximum of 2 (two) years before enrolling as a regular student of the course.

Registration Procedure

  1. Consult the Current Academic Schedule (external link) and the Academic Calendar 2022(.pdf196kB);
  2. Complete the Registration Form to the PPGEE Special Student (external link) and send the copy received by email to ppgee@ufscar.br (in .PDF format), together with a copy of the following documents:

(a) RG or RNE (Not CNH – driving license)/ID Card
(b) CPF
(c) For graduates, Undergraduate Diploma or equivalent document
(d) In the case of an undergraduate student, a document that proves the fulfillment of 80% of the credits required in the undergraduate course.

This procedure must be done during the period described in the Call for Special Students on the PPGEE website.